

The Journey Continues...

Sean is a HUGE fan of  [title of show], Jarrod wants to meet John Tartaglia, Matt just wants to tag along and Steff is there to make them all look straight...until she's battered by the economic crisis and can't come along.

Will the Aussies have all their dreams come true in New York City?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ridiculous, Cheeky and Something Very Special!

Hey all,

So I'm going to divide this post up into three areas, which are identifiable in the title of this post.

1. Ridiculous
So apparently YouTube is watching my videos now...because three of them have been 'muted' now.
This includes the VERY FUNNY Shrek episode...so I'm kinda angry at that. Fixing the mess and reuploading won't particularly work to well either.

What I think I'm going to do is make a complete box set DVD. With proper title music, lots of bonus footage, multiple discs, and all the episodes the way they were meant to be!

2. Cheeky

Here is the episode I dubbed as being the 'Final Episode'....whoops tricked ya!
There was of course something much bigger to show you, but I was keeping it a surprise.
PS: Note I wear three [title of show] T-Shirts in this ep. Clearly something was coming...

3. Something Very Special
There's no other way to describe it really, this episode has footage from the very special night where we met [title of show]. Someone asked if they just kind of randomly recognised us on the street and invited us out to dinner, but we had been in contact for a loooonnnng time. Well before the Broadway Season kicked off and about two months before I started the YouTube show. It was a way we could all say thanks to everyone for all the support that both groups had given each other over the year.

I'll stop yapping here is the footage!

So who wants to have a box set when they're done?
If you think it's a good idea, leave a comment below!


Saturday, January 31, 2009

We went to find Johnny, Johnny Johnny Johnny.

Ok first off I'm confused...

What's with everyone saying they 'kinda love' the Going To Find Johnny theme song?
Clearly it's terrible as I've pointed out on many occasion...

You know what I'm going to post a poll onto this blog (over on the right hand side of the page) and I want the truth to be revealed!!! Make sure you cast your vote!

So Jarrod had some pretty fine adventures in New York, and you'll all be wondering 'What did he lick?' and did he find Johnny? Well I kinda spoilt it in the title, but check it out anyway, because there's lots of sarcastic banter from Yours Truly.

PS: We slightly changed the theme song...not that you can really notice, I mean we're pretty much Sinatra...so we're back in full swing on YouTube.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hey everyone.

So YouTube is tightening its grip on what can and can't get passed its copyright laws.

So here is the 'Directors Cut' of the episode!

I am disappointed YouTube's not going to work for us now, especially for all the fans on there. Hopefully though you can watch this version below.

Comment if you can't.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Something New

Welcome everyone to the slightly new look blog for the YouTube Fan Series 'Sean, The Aussie Fan Of [title of show]'s Show.

So you may be asking why is there a new look?
Well the latest season of the show is all about our adventures in New York, so we thought it was time to remove some of the things that related to the earlier seasons of the show, and to give the site a bit of a new and fresh feel.

What's New:
-You've probably already noticed the new title bar graphic/logo for the site.
-Season 1 and Season 2 playlists all ready to watch at the bottom of the blog.
-The [to do] list will now display an 'X' when we complete it
-Only 2 blog posts displayed. Because of the new playlists down the bottom, we don't want you to have to go searching forever to find them. You can find all the blog posts back in our Archives, including the very popular 'Adopt An International [tos]ser Program'.
-Subscribe feature. So you never miss a post you can now subscribe.

We'll also be making other additions as the series continues, and giving little background posts/additional notes to each episode of the new season, because we can't contain or condense all the adventures of our trip into tiny episodes.

So welcome back to the show and welcome back to the blog!

And here to kick off the new season of the show is the latest episode.

Sean, The Aussie Fan Of [title of show]'s Show Season1

Sean, The Aussie Fan Of [title of show]'s Show Season 2