

The Journey Continues...

Sean is a HUGE fan of  [title of show], Jarrod wants to meet John Tartaglia, Matt just wants to tag along and Steff is there to make them all look straight...until she's battered by the economic crisis and can't come along.

Will the Aussies have all their dreams come true in New York City?

Monday, August 11, 2008

Long Time No Blog

Hey peeps!

Ok thankfully Jarrod has blog posted of late which is dandy because this place would be stinking up and dying otherwise.

So what's new?

Well we're still in the season break of the show- I'm meant to be filming another piece of bonus footage for you all- but well, that hasn't happened yet.

Plans have begun for season 2, which is super duperly excited and that will be arriving soon.

Jarrod, Matt and I are currently revising one of our previous musicals- you can go to it's myspace
www.myspace.com/boybannedthemusical - there it has all sorts of fun things like photos and music demos from the original version of the song. Dodgy yes, no versions and songs coming soon.

December is getting closer and we're super pumped. We where's Wally'd ourselves on Heidi's cartoon that she got for opening night- (see
http://www.titleofshow.com/ and then go to their blog to find it) we're up in the top right hand corner, and it's so cool! [tos]tralians represent!

Anyway I have a big day of my course about to start, with a vocal class and a movement class this morning (time to get my dance on) and a business class this afternoon.

Have a good one peoples.
More wonderful funny videos coming soon, I promise.

The Aussie Fan Of [title of show]

PS: Jarrod we need to get Matt to blog, and Steff onto this blog.

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Sean, The Aussie Fan Of [title of show]'s Show Season1

Sean, The Aussie Fan Of [title of show]'s Show Season 2